Thursday, July 23, 2009

I think I can! I think I can!

Over the past 5 years I have been an entrepreneur. Some of those years successful and some not so successful. I am a person who thrives off of creativity....kinda like "when I'm hot, I'm hot and when I'm not I'm not." I often get creativity in waves, the times of which my mind is going "boom, boom, pow!" During these times I come up with some pretty cool projects that I absolutely love. But when I cool down, I have trouble with keeping things going. I have been thinking lately of really focusing on being consistent. Consistency seems to be the key (duh) but sometimes it seems like the only thing I am consistent on, is being INCONSISTENT. I really wish I could afford to hire a manager and marketing professional...but, I digress.

I know that I have many great talents and abilities and because of them I refuse to give up on my entrepreneurial spirit. So, I continue to look for more pathways to aid me in staying focused. I must admit, reading blogs from other women like myself (small business owners and WAHM) I get energized and inspired to continue pushing through with my own plans. If they can do it, then so can I. So, thanks to all the blogs and women out there who unknowingly inspire me to keep it going! Some of the networking sites that make me Think I Can are: , , and where I meet many inspiring women entrepreneurs focused on reaching their goals and having fun while doing it.

Currently I am working on some new projects, and trying to revive some oldie but goodies too. I am excited about them, and most importantly I am focused on it (well at least I'm trying to be).

So, that's all for now...

1 comment:

  1. I think consistency is a big issue for most people! haha But, I'm sure when you settle into something that works, you'll have no problem sticking to it!!
