Monday, August 31, 2009

Sandra, out of the box

The best part about life is that it is ever changing. At least it should be. No one person is forced to stay in one lane, drive the same speed, use the same colors or stay in one box. This ability is the spice of our life. The possibilities are always endless, because if you put your mind to it and you want it bad enough, it can and will be done.


As easy as it is to say those words, I'll admit that it is hard to put it into action. Not because of what we posses or lack within, but because of fear from those on the outside of ourselves; family, friends, Society in general.


To be all that we can be, sometimes involves vulnerability and taking chances. We have to put ourselves to the test....physically, mentally, spiritually. So scary, yet fulfilling and exciting.


Stepping out of the comfort zone. Constructive criticism. Breaking out of a mold.

This weekend I stepped out of my box, I was apart of something wonderful and bigger than myself.

I was one of the cast members of THE GIFT. An encouraging stage play that is all about choices that are morally sound. Appreciating and recognizing the various gifts that a person can receive and even posses, however ultimately understanding the most important gift of all.

By trade, I am no Thespian, but I am endowed with a love of the arts and It was a wonderful experience that I was privileged to be apart of.
Very thankful to Wholesome Entertainment for stepping out of the norm, to get this small production with such a good message seen.

(a few of the cast members)

(One of the scenes I was in)

I pushed myself to try something new, and I liked it!

*Check out the review and more pictures

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